The logic behind carrying some damage skills (and rit having one of the best), is to DECREASE the fight time by third or by half.
Damage like 137 per 8-sec is nothing to sneer at and splinter weapon ((53 x 5) X 3) really shines when party is put in a tough do-or-die part.
Ritualist, I have learned long ago, rarely shine in protecting and healing the WHOLE party. Rit shines on protecting KEY individuals in the party, usually 1 or 2, maybe 3. This key personality shifts as the mission and play goes along, but usually its the tank and the monks.
Many times it's the fronliner, usually the tank, I watch out. If you going to baby sit the tanks with heals and some protection, why not throw in the damage, so it takes much less time to baby-sit them
My other job, as Rit, is to protect the MONKS, making sure I keep their health bar in acceptable level so they can do their job well without much distraction and waste healing.
Since many Rit skills are 2-in-1 package (MBAS - heal and removes cond; Weapon of Warding - protect and regen) and with very little use of energy, we can do the job well what would other cost much more energy and skill.
Who will protect and heal the Healer-Protectors? I guess it's the Ritz. Who will protect the Ritz? It's the Monks It's a sort of circular logic of protection at its best.
Playing Ritualist is not really difficult. What is difficult is realizing Ritz will always be regarded as "second fiddle". And that takes a certain type of ego and views to play Ritualist and enjoy the class.
My take.
Last edited by GrimEye; Jan 22, 2008 at 01:15 PM // 13:15..